November 10 – 12: Vancouver Fan Expo
I’m a special guest at this year’s Vancouver Fan Expo, alongside comics friends Ed Brisson, Simon Roy, Gisele Lagace, Dan Parent, and more!
And the show features special guests from TV’s Arrow, The Flash, iZombie, and Degrassi Junior High among others. The show is from Nov 10-12 at the Vancouver Convention Centre at Canada Place, and I’ll be at Table P4 all weekend. Stop by and say Hi – and pick up a signed copy of Laser Moose and Rabbit Boy: Disco Fever!

November 18: Book launch celebration
Can’t make it out this weekend? Then you can still get a signed book from me on Nov. 18. I’m having a little book launch celebration at the 12 Kings Pub here in Vancouver. Stop by, grab a book and a drink – and maybe even stick around for the Vancouver Comic Jam and we’ll draw some comics together! Here are the details on Facebook.
Photo by J. L. Martin
I have finally learned not to get too excited every time I see you are going to be in Vancouver, because I live near the other Vancouver. It would be wonderful if you made the treck south to Portland, OR. From a big chicken fan.
Hi Kathleen! After almost 20 years on the west coast, it’s pretty ridiculous that I’ve never visited Portland! I’ve heard wonderful things about it, and they have some great comics shows too. I’ll see if I can get down there for a visit! 🙂
Hope all is well for you in 2021. Will never forget your appearance in Vancouver. I was visiting from Hamilton Ontario at the time.
Thanks! I hope we can all get back to having fun at comics conventions again in 2021! And I’d love to get to Ontario for some conventions one of these days! 🙂